****Please note: The more detailed
character pages do contain spoilers, so new readers please read at your
own risk!****
Click on a character to see more about them!
(last updated 02.01.2009)
Tipper O' Donnell
The heroine of our story, Snickers' sister. Currently working and married.
Charles O' Donnell
Gabby's cousin, student teacher and all around bitter guy. Tipper's husband.
Snickers Namir
Wife, motherly figure, and eccentric... mother of Cerise. |
Twix Dorpe-Namir
Married, eccentric gentleman and father of Cerise...
Joy Satu
A nice girl that works far too hard for her own good. Blue's roommate. |
Isaac Telford
Blue's half brother, interested in Joy.
Blue Deiter
The original man's player (or so she likes to boast).
Bartender and Joy's roommate. |
Gabby Ramos
Tipper's friend, Cedric's rival, budding artist.
Joan Cutter
Gabby and Charles's old friend, more Gabby's than
Cedric Van Helgen
Friendly local comic artists/ Tipper's ex- boyfriend...
Jennifer Anneston
(AKA Falco) Der Kommissar
Dimitri Huss
Roxanne's husband. Father of Daisy.
Roxanne Huss- Deiter
Blue's spiritual mother, biological sister...mother of Daisy.
Taimoor's demure girlfriend.
A determined, if only slightly clueless young man...
Dr. Ferdinand Fitzgerald
Joy's much older, distinguished... friend.
BoB Dorpe
Village idiot. |
Mallory Duck An angry, bitter youth who likes computers more
than people... |