The Ultimate BTTDII 
Fan Site!

Fan Art
Message Board

Poll of DOOOM!

Would you fight  your own mom in a video Tourney?
Are you kidding? She'd whoop my ass!
 Welcome to the official Battle to the Death II Fan site!

01.03.05 9:15 AM
Today is the day of the tourney!  I'll be sure to set up my web cam before the game beings, so you can see it live!

12.25.04 4:25 PM
Happy Holidays from BTTDII!  I got a leaflet in the mail from "Sherup Gamerz" that mentioned a new arcade place opening up nearby... they are having some sort of tournament... if you live in the area, please stop by Abe's Arcades on the third of January, located in the McDonDon Plaza, Mt. Morhibiki road.

09.15.04 12:32 AM
I got an e-mail from Kurmpkom the other day asking me to take down the Fan Art page and screenshots due to their "adult nature".  It's kind of funny when you think about it, getting offended when people draw the characters exactly the way they are pictured in the game.  I don't get why they wanted us to take the screenshots down though- they were the ones who gave the game a "zoom in" feature!

Character of the moment:

Falco's web cam of DOOOM!

This Kickass Site was made by Jennifer Anneston. We have 2728 Hits So Far!